Lesson: AscensionENTERING THE GARDEN OF EDEN | The False Christ Consciousness | BALANCING THE pH OF Earth |
For ascending humans, the continued focus upon transcending darkness thought-form patterns will allow those willing and capable of pushing beyond disease thought-forms to enter the Garden of Eden again. The Garden of Eden was a time in which humans co-existed in communion with all species, allowing life existence through the nature kingdoms. The communion ceased the moment humans began to consume flesh. As you remove this thought-form need in your life expression, you may then enter the garden and commune again with nature. The False Christ Consciousness Collective Consciousness
The collective consciousness of the false Christ consciousness has existed with humanity for a long time and within the seven planes of Earth. In preparation for Earth’s entry into THE UNIVERSE star gates, the planes of the false Christ consciousness were removed from Earth. These are seven dense planes that hold the darkness thought-form of greed, lust, pain, suffering, death, fear and judgment. These planes were imbedded into the collective consciousness to retain the global rebellion [Fall within THE UNIVERSE] dominion. In preparation for the realignment of time, these seven vibrations layers that surrounded Earth had to be transmuted. Over the past several years of Earth’s ascension, THE UNIVERSE has used heavier and heavier forms of ultra violet vibrations to bust up and remove these seven dense planes. The UNIVERSE Sun has augmented this shift with certain tones of creation sent Earth’s way through solar flares to assist in the busting up of the density necessary for Earth to enter THE UNIVERSE star gate. In the process of this cleansing, seven additional planes were uncovered beneath the original seven that had been heretofore invisible to Earth. These seven planes include the Plane of Pleasure (related to the Plane of Pain); the Plane of Boredom (related to the Plane of Fear); the Plane of Humor (related to the Plane of Suffering); the Plane of Blind Trust (related to the Plane of Judgment); the Plane of Birth (related to the Plane of Death); the Plane of Poverty (related to the Plane of Greed); and the Plane of Rejection (related to the Plane of Lust). Ascending humans are retrieving parts of soul fractured bits of self trapped upon these additional seven planes of reality that were buried underneath the seven others. BALANCING THE pH OF Earth THE UNIVERSE is augmenting the balancing of the pH of all waterways and landmasses upon the surface of the Earth through the release of certain gasses into the air. Such gasses will collect in the clouds and then shower upon all oceans, lakes and river ways along with the land bringing an end to acid rain. These substances will also enter the drinking water, and will have a tonic affect upon the physical form of ascending human beings. This tonic affect balances the pH of the physical form. All disease is related to an imbalance of pH of the physical form or a part of the form; and as this is corrected most diseases will go into remission. You are also less likely to ascend into a disease if you retain the proper pH balance through dietary means. Often the pH in human form is thrown off due to the presence a very acidic substance in human waste known as ammonia. Ammonia causes the pH to become out of balance with yeast growing throughout the form. As the yeast grows, the yeast eats away at wherever rooted; if rooted in the brain, and with enough deterioration, Alzheimer is the result; as the yeast eats away at a particular organ or gland, the organ or gland is weakened and ceases to function properly, leading to disease; and if compromised enough and in an important enough part of the form necessary to sustain life, death is the end result. |